Run With It

How Joining a Toronto Run Club Can Skyrocket Your Running Performance

Joining a run club extends well beyond improving your physical capabilities; it enhances your entire approach to running through structured support, safety, learning, and social engagement. As spring unfolds and you set your sights on new running goals, consider the power of community to propel you forward.

Why You Should Join a Run Club This Spring

As the chill of winter melts away and the first signs of spring start to appear, there’s a renewed sense of motivation in the air. For many, this is the perfect time to lace up their running shoes and hit the pavement. But if you're looking to truly elevate your running game this season, joining a run club could be your best move. Here’s why.

Avoiding Injury While Ramping Up for Spring Races
Spring brings with it the temptation to jump straight into high mileage or intense workouts, especially after a winter of reduced activity. However, this sudden increase can lead to common running injuries such as shin splints, runner's knee, and IT band syndrome. 
Recovering from Your Runs (and the Holidays) with Supplements: Electrolytes, Magnesium, and More!
The holiday season can be a double challenge for runners. Not only are you trying to stay on track with your training, but you're also navigating the festivities, which often means indulging in foods and drinks that might not be...
Calf Tightness: Understanding the Causes and Solutions
Every runner, whether a seasoned marathoner or a weekend jogger, has at some point grappled with the discomfort of calf tightness. Understanding its causes and finding effective solutions can greatly enhance the running experience. Causes of Calf Tightness Physiological Reasons:...
What Running Shoes Should Heel Strikers Wear?

Discover the best running shoes for heel strikers in our comprehensive guide. Learn about key factors, including cushioning, stability, and flexibility. Lace-up and optimize your performance with the right shoes for your heel-striking style.

Are your running shoes slowing you down?

Are your running shoes causing pain or slowing you down? This guide covers the science behind running shoes, signs of a bad fit, and tips for maximizing performance.

5 top tips for running your best race: from pacing to enjoying the experience

Prepare for your next race with these top 5 tips for runners, covering pacing, hydration, gear, routine, and enjoyment. Crush your next race with confidence!

Carbon running shoes: pros and cons you need to know before buying

Discover the benefits of carbon running shoes with our comprehensive guide. Learn how they can improve your training and take your running to the next level.

Lighten Your Step: Top 5 Treadmill and Cross-Training Shoes for Runners

As people who spend a lot of time on treadmills, bicycles, and in fitness studios or physiotherapy offices (key for preventing injuries, not just treating them), we’d be remiss if we didn’t share some of our favourite lightweight shoes for cross-training. 

Discover your perfect pair: A guide to the top 5 Brooks running shoes at The Runners Shop
Brooks Shoes are known for its innovative design and technology, making them stand out from other running shoe brands. 
How to tell when you need new running shoes

The buzz of your heart pumping, the feeling of your muscles working, the filling of your lungs with fresh air, the pain in your knees and hips...

What the heck? Is it time for a new pair of shoes? Read on to find out.

How to layer up for winter running

Running in the winter is tricky. You’ll be cold at the start, sweating in between, and FREEZING if you stop moving. Here’s how to layer up for success when running in cold weather. 

How to perform at your best as a masters runner
Once you're over 35, you're in a new category of athletics called Masters Athletics. Running as a high-performing masters athlete is slightly different than when you were in your 20s and early 30s.
Is Running *Really* Bad for Your Knees? Busting the Myth

Pounding your feet on the ground is often a major no-no if you want to keep your joints healthy. But is this true? Is running really that bad for your knees?

Changing Running Shoe Brands Won’t Help You if You’re Wearing the Wrong Size

If you’re wearing the same size shoes that your parent helped you pick out when they were still buying your clothes, you’re probably in the wrong size!  You might not need to change brands to find the perfect fit - here’s how to tell if you’re wearing the wrong size running shoes.

How to set realistic goals that won’t disappoint you in 2023
There’s nothing worse than setting yourself the objective of running a marathon in two weeks when you haven’t run a mile in ten years. Although it’s possible, you’re equally likely to injure yourself to the point where you never run again.
Packing Your Marathon Kit: What to Wear and Bring with You on Race Day

Well done, you! You trained for months and clocked hundreds of KMs. You picked up your marathon race kit. Next stop: the starting line on race day! 

This list will help you decide what to bring with you on the big day.

The Best Sport for Beatin' Inflation: Running

Running is recession-proof, but how can it help you beat inflation? This article explains why road running booms when the economy is bad and how it can also help you stay on top of inflation! 

The secret to loving running

If you’re battling an injury, lacking motivation, or simply not achieving the results you know you’re capable of, you may resent the sport of running. In fact, running will break your heart. 

Here’s how you can love running again. 

The science of sweat: running and electrolytes

Every athlete learns from a young age that if you sweat, you need a “sports drink.” But have you ever wondered how electrolytes work and how many you REALLY need?