
You won't meet a more friendly, cheerful, and knowledgable staff than the team at TRS. 

Know that you're in good hands with all of us being huge running nerds. We were all researching this stuff for fun anyways, so why not make a job of it? 

We love learning about new products that help our customers achieve their fitness goals.

Meet the team:

Lynn Bourque Ben Nelson Olivia Hoskin
Commander and chief at TRS, Lynn has been visiting the store and has been part of the Toronto running community for over 20 years. Coming from a hospitality background, you won't find greater customer service anywhere else.  Ben D. is our resident shoe expert, with over 10 years of experience in the shoe industry, and even more on the track and trails. A competitive masters athlete, you can find him running around the city or hitting the trails in his spare time.  New to Toronto from chilly Montreal, Olivia is team marketing, eCommerce, social media and clothing at TRS... plus a few other odds and ends that come up. If there's something we don't know, she'll find it for you online. 


 Roger Moss Rob Jenken
Meet the TRS coach! Roger has stepped been a member of the Toronto running community for years and is our in-house coach for our run clinics - learn more about him on his own page here.
Rob is our chuckly assistant coach and part-time shoe dog. Even though he's not here all the time, he's always up-to-date on the store activities and new products. You should see this guy move!


If you're looking for more information on how to join our coached team, take a look here or head over to our training page.